Friday, December 10, 2010

The List

I haven't had time to blog much this week and I can't seem to download my beach photos onto my Mac right now (sigh), so I have to bring up something I wrote awhile ago and have been saving for the right moment. Happy weekend! Enjoy...

My husband keeps a list of celebrity women who he would like to...let's just say date. Yes. He does. So this got me thinking of my own list. So I present to you my top ten list. Of hot actors...

1. Viggo Mortenson. No one else holds a candle to you. I don't even care about the others on the list.
2. Robert Downey Jr - Bad boy. Beautiful. Talented.
3. Johnny Depp - You had me at 21 Jump Street. You get better with age.

4. Steve Martin - Renaissance Man: Actor. Comedian. Musician. Artist. Writer.
5. Clive Owen - Strong, hot British man. Love the eyes and the accent.
6. George Clooney. Classic.

7. David Duchovney. Tormented, funny, sexy.
8. Brad Pitt - Just easy on the eyes.
9. Keanu Reeves - Your acting can be silly but I still think you are hot.

10. Jake Gyllenhaal - dreamy eyes.

I am also building: an "old school list" which includes a number of actors no longer with us but who I always thought were hot; and a musician list. So stay tuned.

And all of these photos were lifted off the internet. Of course I did not take any of these photos. I assume that for this purpose, that is ok, as I don't think any of these guys are going to let me take my own photos.

1 comment:

  1. With this list, you and I will rarely cross swords. Invest in pennicilin, my friend.
